Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Easter has come and gone! Can you believe it? I hope you all had a blessed Easter. Things here at work have been very busy. We have new people coming so my office life is beginning to steamroll! There are going to be a few things in the upcoming months. We are going to be having another Health Screening. It is free to ATS employees. I am not set on a date yet as to when they will be doing this, but I am thinking it will be approximately within the next month or two. It will be the same company as last year - Optimum Health. Over the summer months, it will once again be time for hearing tests.

Travel Agent: There was a greenbelt project completed and the results showed a variety of points where the new company can excel in comparison to the old company. On approximately April 1, 2008 there will be a new link for making hotel, rental cars and flight reservations. The new company, Options Travel, has a wider variety areas of contact. They also are working on getting into nicer hotels at a more reasonable cost to the corporate office.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Presidents Award

Team, for those of you who do not know, on Tuesday March 18, 2008 in our weekly ATS team meeting, Bill Bench presented our site an award for zero OSHA incidents and 100% compliance with our safety scorecard. This is a wonderful feat and he wanted to thank everyone of the people at our Decatur site. I am attaching a picture of the people present at the meeting. I wish we could have had the entire crew, but that's pretty much impossible due to the varying shifts. Once again, thank each of you for your safety measures you follow. Keep up the marvelous work!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

March is HALF OVER

Good Grief. I cannot believe how quickly the days are flying by. We have had some great new people join our ATS family. We have 2 new Crib attendants. We are going to be having a new maintenance person start at the end of March. Our temporary Site Manager trainee was not here as long as we'd expected. He ended up getting a position in Georgia. WAY TO GO MATT!!

There has been so much sickness between our employees and their families. We really will be glad when this flu season comes to an end.